

I was introduced to beach dancing while training to become a Dance Therapist and QOYA teacher. The transformational power and magic of beach dancing became a staple of my self care routine and a place of respite.

I found refuge dancing by the waves, especially in times of challenge in my life, particularly while grieving the loss of my father and grandmother. In solitude, with nature and music (set on shuffle), I was able to express and honor the ocean of my emotions and connect more deeply to myself, my loved ones, and to spirit.

I noticed that each time I had danced, even if for one song, I was re-enlivened and re-inspired in a really unique and potent way. When I moved to Venice, CA, beach dancing became a regular self care practice. A few of my friends started to join me, and suggested I offer this publicly. As an experiment I announced a time and place on instagram, and people showed up! In exchange, I asked for Donations to be gathered in benefit of my nonprofit ALMA movement (called PlantPals at the time).

In May 2018, I was introduced to Murray Hiddary of mindtravel music . With his foundations support , silent disco headsets were provided for the Beach dance experience, making it accessible to many, creating a unique collective and simultaneously individual experience.

From dancing by myself to now 30-70 people joining me weekly on the beach, I am here to remind everyone, they are not alone. And that through movement we can make a difference.